Monday, January 31, 2011

Improving and pacing

Today, I did workout one of week three of the training plan. I was apprehensive about it because it called for stretches of running TWICE as long as anything I'd done so far. I was also in a seriously bad mood, after having a rough Monday at work - I had 6 conference calls, with only half hour breaks between them during which to try to actually get something accomplished. Then there was an issue at the end of the day and I was watching the light fade thinking "I have got to get away from this desk and outside for some exercise!"

Finally, I told the person with the issue that I had an appointment and I would have to get back to him tomorrow. I did have an appointment. With myself. To exercise. And I was running out of daylight, plus it was now starting to rain!

So I started out feeling apprehensive and annoyed. Heck, I'll admit it: I was downright angry. During the warmup, I thought "maybe I should repeat week 2, or perhaps I won't actually do the double length run yet, I'll just increase the length a bit but not double it". But then an amazing thing happened. Halfway through the first run, I realized I wasn't going to drop from exhaustion and just kept going. When I finished that first section (double the length I've been doing), I was thrilled! So I did it again. Four more times. By the end of my workout, I wasn't angry at all any longer. Instead, I felt awesome about my accomplishment. I'm certainly not anywhere reaching a "runner's high", but I have definitely become a believer in the ability of exercise to improve mood!

I experimented a bit with my form and posture, as well as with my speed, and discovered that little changes made big differences in terms of how it felt. Pacing was definitely the key - I didn't over push myself, but instead just kept going at a reasonable pace, and I'm convinced that's the reason I was able to do the whole workout. Hmmm. There's probably a lesson in there for me to apply to work (and life), too.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


This morning, there was a fundraiser for the daycare on the island. A pancake breakfast fundraiser. I decided to go for it and just enjoy the splurge. I got sausage and pancakes, which I turned into chocolate pancakes by adding Hershey's syrup and chocolate chips. It was a delicious breakfast! I didn't eat it all, though, which was partially out of choice and partially because it was quite filling. I notice I feel full sooner than I did previously. Not sure why, but I'm not looking that particular gift horse in the mouth!

After church, there was a roast beef dinner. That was a bit of a splurge with the mashed potatoes and gravy, but again I didn't eat it all.

Then tonight, I hosted ladies movie night. We had decided to watch the movie Chocolat, so the snacks for the evening were chocolate, of course. I had several tastes, but then cut myself off...enough splurging for one day!

It's a good thing there was a session of Turbo Kick this afternoon for me to burn off those splurging calories!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

You are what you ...

...think. You thought I was going to say "eat" didn't you? Nope. (At least not in this post...maybe I'll blog some other day about eating. Today it's about attitude.)

I have been intentionally working on my "self talk" recently. Specifically, I've been thinking "I am smart. I am strong. I make healthy choices." I have been surprised at how powerful this actually is - especially while walking around the grocery store. It's a bit easier to not pick up the and put it in my cart when I'm thinking "I make healthy choices". I am motivated to honor what I'm telling myself by ensuring I keep it true. I think the present tense is what really creates that effect. If I thought something like "I'm learning to..." or "I'm getting better at..." or "I will try to...", my guess is it wouldn't be as effective.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Turbo Kick was in the gym tonight, and it was insanely hot in there. The thermostat is locked behind a cage cover, with a sign under it that says "Do NOT touch this thermostat. That means YOU!", so changing it wasn't an option. I really wanted to write my own little note on the bottom of the sign: "Well, if you wouldn't leave it set at 76 degrees, maybe people wouldn't want to touch it!" I refrained. (Partially because I didn't have a pen!)

Anyway, I guess all I can do is hope that all that extra sweating I did tonight translates into more calories burned!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Just a quick post with an update on progress so far. I've lost 6.2 pounds since I started training, and I'm going to say I'm 2% of the way. (It's hard to measure scientifically/mathematically, so that's a guess.)

Interestingly, the weight loss is not my goal. My goal is to be able to do a very specific thing. Training to do that thing is resulting in weight loss. Which I'll take, don't misunderstand me, but my focus in terms of why I'm doing this is on the end goal. Focusing on the goal has been good for the little fluctuations on my weight (a couple of days it has been slightly up rather than down), and ought to keep me going when I inevitably hit a weight loss plateau.

Besides, the goal is something I'm really excited about doing. Sometimes, in the middle of a workout, I start thinking about the goal, imagining what it will be like and how fun it will be, and suddenly I realize I've completed the workout for that day! So it keeps me motivated, and keeps my mind off the tough moments. It's definitely good to have a goal.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As I've previously mentioned, I work as a Project Manager. This means that January, which is a quiet month for most everyone else around here where I live, is INSANE for me, with all the new projects starting up for the year. I am buried in work at the moment, and haven't been this far behind in ages.

So what did I do today? I stopped, left my desk for an hour and went to exercise. I could really have used that time to get caught up on all my email. But I decided that exercising is more important.

Then tonight I went to a workshop that continued my thinking along this line. The leader helped participants identify their core values and then asked us to consider whether our schedule reflected those values.

My day used to be driven/controlled by work and I would claim that work prevented me from doing...well, many things. You pick it, I probably used work as an excuse not to do it. Now I'm choosing to control my day, and if that means stopping work for an hour to exercise because ultimately taking care of my body is more important than work (in terms of my core values), then so be it. The work will all still be there (along with some additional) tomorrow anyway!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Decision time

At the beginning of each work day, I take a look at my schedule to see where I have a gap into which I can fit some exercise. Then, I block that time on my work calendar so no one will plan a meeting during my gap. (My meeting schedule varies daily, so I don't have the luxury of always using a traditional middle-of-the-day lunch time.)

Today, the gap I had available was from 2 to 3 PM. At 1:30, it started raining. So I had a decision to make. I could stay home and keep working (I am so far behind right now it would be easy to fill the time). Or I could go out in the rain. I went. I've decided on a nearly-no-excuses policy.

It was chilly and raining the whole time I was out there (about 35 minutes). But I was grinning from ear to ear when I was done! And then I took a nice hot shower.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Was that...?

This morning I took a short drive to the beach, to see the snow on the dunes. On my way back, I saw my friend (the really fit one who encouraged me last week) running on the walking/biking path next to the highway. I realized that it was clear of snow and was therefore probably the best place to go if I was going to get any exercise today. (My usual side street location is still pretty icy.) That, of course, meant that I would have to get over my "I don't necessarily want anyone to see me doing this, because I'm not sure if I look crazy or just plain terrible at it" feeling. I decided to get over it.

So I went and did workout two of week two on the trail. There wasn't too much traffic that passed by, so I figured with any luck no one I know actually saw me. (What was I thinking? I live in a really small town - the odds of that are extremely slim.) Anyway, later in the day I mentioned to my husband that I had gone out to the trail, and he said "I know. I saw Sundae in the Post Office and she said 'was that Kati I saw out jogging?' " Sundae is one of my very best friends. So much for no one I know seeing me!

Later this afternoon, I found out that there would be an evening session of Turbo Kick. (Previously, the plan was only for a morning session (which I couldn't attend) today, but several people - me included - convinced Angie to do another one.) So I went to that, too! I would expect to feel tired after exercising twice in one day. But actually, I feel terrific!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Something, anything!

I took a 30 minute walk today, because I was frustrated by the fact that I hadn't gotten much exercise in the last couple of days. I wanted to do something, anything, just to burn a few calories and get out of the house! It was also nice to walk around the village and see the snowy scenes everywhere. I am really ready to get back to some more strenuous exercise, but there was no chance of that today with the roads the mix of icy slush that they were (as it was, I took my walk in rubber boots). It was a really sunny day so there was a good bit of melting...I'm hoping that by tomorrow afternoon the roads will be much clearer so I can go do workout two of week two.

This is new for me, to actually WANT to exercise and miss it when I don't. Even though it caused frustration the last couple of days, I still like this new aspect of my attitude. I think I'll keep it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The best time to exercise

I had a conversation recently with someone about the best time of day to exercise. There is, of course, not a single answer to this question - it varies by individual. Anyway, I said that I previously liked to exercise first thing in the morning, because that way it's done for the day. But the current structure of my life makes that difficult, as my mornings are full of taking care of a 2 year old.

Today, my plan was to exercise this afternoon - sometime between 2 ish and 4 ish. I had to be at the Thrift Store (where I volunteer) from 10 - 12, after which I was planning to meet a group of ladies for lunch to celebrate the birthday of one of them (who is turning 95!) So I thought that after lunch I would get in workout 2 of week 2.

The weather, unfortunately, had other plans. It started snowing shortly before I left for the Thrift Store, and continued for over 8 hours. By 2 PM, it was quite deep and still coming down. So it definitely wasn't a good day for an outdoor workout! And I suppose, in hindsight, the best time to exercise today was this morning, before the snow started!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I took today off from exercise, because I had to drive to Norfolk and back (when you live on Ocracoke, that takes all day). So instead of an update, here's a story of a recent happy realization. A few days ago, I was sitting at my desk, working. I had eaten a good breakfast that morning (light and healthy, but filling enough). And I'd had a decent lunch about an hour before this moment. So I was surprised to find myself suddenly hungry. I had the following inner dialogue:

Me: "Hmm...why am I hungry."

Me: "Because you're starting to build muscle and raise your metabolism, so your body burns more calories just sitting still than it used to."

Me: "WOOO HOOO!!!!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week two

I finally started week two of the training plan today. Yeah, finally made it to week two on Thursday of week three! Anyway, I did workout one of week two. It was a bit harder (which I expected), but I hung in there with it and got it done...and I was smiling when I finished.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So, the thing about exercising outside is that you run the risk of other people seeing you. As I previously mentioned, I try to minimize that as much as possible by doing my workout on a quiet back street (and the fact that I live in a very small town also helps).

Today, however, was the one day a month when the vet comes to the island. The vet sets up in Trish's house. Trish's house is on my (formerly) quiet back street! So today as I was huffing and puffing along, I definitely saw more people than usual. At first, I thought "oh no...this is embarrassing", because I'm still pretty sure my form is not great and therefore I don't look marvelous while exercising.

Then, though, something good happened. As I went by a friend of mine, she said Hi to me. Now this friend is in REALLY good shape. She goes to Turbo Kick and I aspire to be as fit as she is. So I said "I'm not as good at this as you are, but I'm trying!" which she replied "No - look at you! You're doing great!"

Now I know part of this was just her being nice...because I'm still pretty sure I don't look "great" during my workout. But most of it was her being genuinely encouraging. It was as if she were saying "So what if you're not that great at it yet? Good for you for just getting out here and doing it!"

Anyway, I really appreciated the encouragement. And I smiled through the rest of my workout. Which made it seem to go by faster. Which was really good!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Toward the end of Turbo Kick today, I discovered I can now touch the floor when I bend over! (Yes, I just publicly admitted that I was previously - quite recently - so out of shape and un-flexible that I couldn't do that.) Anyway, it was exciting for me!

I like the fact that my general health and well being are being affected positively by the exercise I'm choosing to do - not just my weight, but my flexibility, my heart health, and even my attitude! I'll say more on the attitude thing in a later blog...

Monday, January 17, 2011

If my Wii could form an opinion... would think I was crazy. I forgot to post my exercise from Saturday and Sunday, and I can't figure out how to post activity on a day other than the current day. So I posted Saturday's walk, Sunday's Turbo Kick and PiYo, and today's exercise (workout three of week one) all on today. It looks like I exercised for nearly 2 hours today!

I actually didn't get to quite complete workout three because it started raining. At first, I just kept going, because it wasn't raining particularly hard. But it kept raining (it's STILL raining now, 10 hours later!), plus it was quite cold, so I decided a shortened workout was better than taking the risk of getting sick. (And yes, I know, viruses - not cold weather - cause colds. But I also know that prolonged exposure to cold (especially damp cold) affects the body's ability to fight off viruses. Anyway.)

So my plan is to repeat workout three and then go on to the week two workouts. I swear, I'll get to week two eventually!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Today, Angie did a session of Turbo Kick followed by some time doing Pi-Yo. I had never heard of Pi-Yo before and was curious to try it. It's a combination of Pilates and Yoga and was quite different. Turbo Kick is very much a cardio workout, even though it also provides some good muscle toning because of all the kicking and boxing. Pi-Yo is focused entirely on toning and flexibility. It would be relaxing, I think, if I were better at it! As it was, it was pretty difficult. I definitely could be significantly more flexible. (Hmm...I think this applies to more than just my physical body.)

I have lost 5.1 pounds so far, a fact which makes me happy. I also notice new muscle tone (just a bit, but it's starting) in my legs. I still didn't manage to do workout three of week one in the last week, so I'm planning to do it tomorrow. Then I'll start week two and plan to finish it by next Sunday.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Boxing...and better

Today, I tried Wii boxing. I was absolutely terrible at it for the first round, because I spent most of that time trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to be doing. I did decently in the second round, since I knew what to do by that point. It was actually pretty fun, and a good way to work out any daily frustrations.

I also did workout 2 of week 1 of the training program. I noticed it was a bit (just a little bit, but enough to be noticeable) easier today, which was quite encouraging. It was a beautiful day outside today, sunny and clear. At 53 degrees, it seemed practically balmy compared to the recent weather. That may have had some impact on the workout seeming a bit easier, but I'm hopeful that the primary reason was that I'm getting fitter...slowly but surely.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I went to Turbo Kick tonight, and it was packed! When I arrived at the Community Center and saw the number of cars there, my initial thought was that Turbo Kick had been relocated or cancelled and there was a meeting of some sort happening there instead. But no, the room was full of exercising ladies. (I got there a bit late, so they were already doing the warmup routine when I walked in to join them.)

I wonder if all of these women will stick with us for the long haul, or if some of them are here to lose the "holiday weight" and will then stop joining. I hope that everyone keeps coming, because it's just more fun to have all that energy in the room! But my cynical side thinks that this effect is probably seen in gyms and exercise classes everywhere: in January, the new years resolutions are in full effect. (Yes, mine included.) Guess we'll see.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I work as a project manager, and often January is a really busy month since that's the time when all the clients suddenly decide they need to do a bunch of work. I was recently assigned four new projects to manage, in addition to my existing workload of several others which I already had. So work has been really busy. There are currently over 50 emails in my inbox, and I've had multiple conference calls every day (today I had five).

I was, however, absolutely determined to get some exercise today. So I stopped for an hour in the middle of the day and did day 1 of week 1 of the training plan. (I'm repeating week 1.) I was really glad I did, as (counter-intuitively), it gave me more energy to get through the rest of the day and I was quite productive after my workout!

I was also determined to go to Turbo Kick tonight. (I don't often do two workouts in one just worked out that way this time and it was probably good since I hadn't done much the last couple of days.) So I stopped work at 5:50, changed clothes and was heading out the door at 5:55...when I discovered that Connor had eaten somewhere between a third and half of a bottle of vitamins! (Kid vitamins, but still not something which needs to be overconsumed like that.) So I had to call the doctor, who advised calling the poison control center just to be absolutely sure. Poison control asked me several questions, most importantly whether the vitamins contained iron (they didn't), said that Connor might have an upset stomach and that he shouldn't have any vitamins for a few days but other than that he should be fine. Crisis averted. It was now 6:10 and I was late for Turbo Kick. I went anyway. I was determined to go!

Not long ago, I would have taken the excuse to not go and just stayed home being lazy instead. I have always believed that daily exercise, like any other discipline, is a choice, and that setting ones mind to do it is a key component of making sure it gets done. I am definitely finding that to be true. Once I make a determination to get some workout time in (no matter where I have to squeeze it in!), and make doing so non-negotiable in my mind, I will make sure it happens. I was going to say "I hope my determination lasts", but instead I'll say "I'm determined to stay determined". Determination is a powerful, motivating thing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Okay, so I've definitely discovered that busy-ness is going to create a challenge for me in terms of finding the time to stick to my plans and exercise every day. (I did do some Wii fit this morning, so I didn't completely skip the day, but I didn't have time to do much). I had to hurry to get Connor to daycare so I could leave at 8:30 to catch the 9 AM ferry, after which I spent most of the day off the island. I came home on the 5 PM ferry, ate a quick dinner and then went to a meeting at 7 PM. Now I've got just a few minutes to blog before having to go to bed!

Today was an unusual day in that I wasn't here for most of it, but general, daily life busy-ness is going to attempt to rear its ugly head and pull me off track, too, I'm sure. I'm brainstorming strategies to address this challenge and open to any ideas.

One solution which appeals to me in theory is getting up early (I actually LOVE the idea of getting my exercise done first thing, plus I always like the quiet in the early morning when the busy-ness and business of the day has not yet started). That one is hard to implement, though...especially in these cold winter months when climbing out of a warm cozy bed is just not an exciting proposition. So I'm going to need to think on this one for a while...I'm hoping a creative solution will come to me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Does working count?

It's quite difficult (aka impossible) to fit in a workout when you spend half the day working at your job. And I'm not kidding when I say half the day. I'm not making excuses...that was just my reality today. But it's not midnight yet, so I think I'll at least to do some stretching and/or virtual bike riding on the Wii. I should sleep well after that!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Early exercise

I got up at 5:40 this morning so I could go to Turbo Kick at 6 AM. I think of myself as a morning person (more than I'd like to admit, really) in that once I'm up, I'm pretty wide awake and can talk up a storm and get things done. I'm also a bit of a night owl in that I like to stay up late sometimes, mostly because I really enjoy the quiet after everyone else is asleep. I have a mid afternoon slump during which I need either a caffeinated beverage or a nap! Unfortunately, since I work full time and I don't live in a country which takes siestas, I usually end up with the beverage (diet Dr. Pepper is my current choice).

So anyway, being basically a morning person, I thought early Turbo Kick would be fine. And it was, essentially, fine. But I definitely discovered that I am NOT nearly as coordinated or energetic for exercise at 6 AM as I am at 6 PM. I may be able to talk, pack lunch, start work, etc. shortly after waking up, but aerobic kick boxing is another story! I still got a terrific workout, so it was all good. I also discovered one fantastic thing about working out first thing in the morning: it felt GREAT to have my exercise for the day DONE by 7 AM.

Oh, and quick update. I've actually lost 2.7 pounds! I wasn't looking all the way back to my first weigh in when I said 1.5 the other day. Woo hoo!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back at it!

Today I did workout two of week one, even though it was freakishly cold outside. Today's encouragement from God (via worship music on the iPhone) was from the Mark Schultz song "He will carry me":

You’re strong
I’m weary
I’m holdin’ on
But I feel like givin’ in
But still You’re with me

I've lost 1.5 pounds so far. Yay!

Since I only managed to do two of the week one workouts (there are three per week on the plan), and since I am pretty out of shape (and therefore should work into this slowly), I am planning to repeat week one next week, this time doing all three workouts, and then move on to week two the week after that. Hope it's a good week!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today, I didn't exercise at all. I meant to, but I had a meeting in the morning, a memorial service in the afternoon for a friend who passed away a few days ago, a bunch of cleaning up of my house to do in between the two, and then guests arrived this I just didn't manage to fit in a workout. (Although I think cleaning my house should count!) I'm planning to take a walk tomorrow (instead of taking a day off) to make up for it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

More Turbo

I went back to Turbo Kick again tonight. It's a tough workout, but it's still a lot of fun and I definitely enjoy the camaraderie of the group. Tonight there was a lot of laughter as we tried to figure out the lyrics of one of the songs. Several people had funny ideas of what the words were. Another song (later in the set) has a line about wanting a margarita, and we always laugh at that one because by that point in the routine most of us would love a drink! (And I always think it would be fairly guilt free, since I would have burned off the calories in advance.) There's a point in another song where the move we are all doing just looks downright goofy, and that's usually good for a giggle or two as well. I'm all for anything that makes exercise more enjoyable!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Workout one

Today, I did workout one of week one of the 9 week training plan I'm going to follow, which will get me slightly over a third of the way toward meeting my ultimate goal. (Don't worry, I have plenty of time to get to the final plan is to be there by early 2012.)

I'll be honest about it: a few minutes into the workout (after the initial warmup period), I was thinking things like "I do NOT like this" and "exercise is terrible". I also probably looked ridiculous as I'm sure my form is awful. Luckily, I live in a small town and I was engaging in this exercise activity on a quiet side street, so I'm hopeful that very few people saw me. (And any who did are my neighbors and would most likely be supportive rather than judgemental if they saw me, anyway. I'm lucky to have wonderful neighbors.)

Anyway, just as I was feeling uncoordinated and hopelessly out of shape, and starting to think maybe I should just give up on this goal, my iPhone changed what it was playing, and I heard the first line of a song which spoke right to me: "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord." So I changed my focus to worshipping instead of whining, and it made all the difference. It was still hard on my body, but switching to more positive thinking got me through it.

I really got into it, even lifting my arms in praise (while continuing the workout) and singing along to the chorus.

You are the Everlasting God
The Everlasting God
You do not faint, You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

I was so excited and proud of myself when I finished the workout that I was grinning like a crazy person! I'm definitely planning to bring the worship music along for my workouts from now on, too.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Virtual bike ride

Tonight, I went back to Turbo Kick again, even though my obliques and leg muscles were achy after Monday night's session. I know if I keep going, it will get easier. And even though it's challenging, it's still fun!

When I got home, I wanted to log my Turbo Kick time on the Wii, so I fired it up to do that. Then I started exploring some of the other activity options and ended up doing a virtual bike ride. It was pretty hilarious, as I do not yet have a good feel for managing the controller on that particular game, so I made some wild turns, fell down a hill, and ran into several buildings and one person. Good thing it's all virtual! Of course, I can ride an actual bike much better than that, thank goodness.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today, my lower back is killing me (no, I don't think I hurt's a symptom of something else and happens to me on a recurring basis ever since I was involved in a car accident several years ago). Anyway, I thought I should take it easy today but didn't want to skip exercise entirely, so I did some yoga stretches, all of which helped my back feel better too. It was good to be reminded of the importance of flexibility - both physically, and in terms of life, too. Sometimes things come up that prevent you from doing the exact tasks you had planned for that day, and you just need to be flexible with yourself and your routine. Then get back at it tomorrow!

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today, I went back to Turbo Kick. I hadn't been in a while and had forgotten how much fun it is! I did an hour workout and feel great. (We'll see how my legs feel tomorrow...) Turbo Kick is not exactly, directly related to what I'm training for, but anything that increases my general fitness level helps. Anyway, I know I'll sleep well tonight.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day of rest?

I decided to give myself Sundays off, since everyone needs a day of rest. Today was not particularly restful, as I spent a good bit of it in the car. But there you have it. Life will do what life will do. Back at it tomorrow!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting out

So I've decided to train for something. Later, I'll say what. For now, I'm keeping it as a cherished goal, held close to my heart. I'm keeping this blog as a journal of getting there.

Today, as cliched as this is (especially on New Year's Day for goodness sake!) I reflected on the fact that today truly is the first day of the rest of my life. What do I want my life to look like? Making those goals a reality is up to me. I can make excuses or I can make changes. I'm choosing changes.

So, to start. I took a long (although not particularly fast or strenuous, as I wasn't alone) walk. Then I set up the Wii fit and tried several of the exercises. I weigh 40 pounds more than my goal weight (50 more than my stretch goal), and I'm 1% of the way to being ready for the something (I gave myself 1% because I'm committed to work toward it).

But those numbers are just numbers and they are merely my starting point. I plan to improve them. Here I go!