Saturday, May 14, 2011


I finally got in a run today. My muscles were a bit tight from the time off, so I definitely need to get back to my routine and not skip that many days in a row again! It seems to be true of so many things in life that if you do them regularly, you get better at them, and those things that you continue to do consistently will have the greatest effect on your life (for good or ill, depending on what the things are that you are doing!)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Jumping up and down

I still haven't managed to get back to my running routine, but I did do a lot of jumping up and down and cheering tonight when I saw a friend, Charles Temple, win $100,000 in the Jeopardy Teachers Tournament!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Another one of those days...

Well, I've done it again. Spent all day in the car, that is. This time, I arrived at my destination at midnight! Dang, it takes a long time to get back to North Carolina from Florida.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

More walking...this time the Kingdom

Today, I walked around the Kingdom. I figure, the other day was the World, so the Kingdom seems like a good choice for another day! Yes, it was the Magic Kingdom. And yes, I'm still having a blast being at Disney World all by myself. I had a wonderful lunch today at Tony's Town Square restaurant, and then watched the afternoon parade from my table on the patio. It was a great viewing spot!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My first 5K event!

Tonight, I ran the Expedition Everest Challenge at Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park with my sister. It was a blast!

My sister is an awesome coach. Even though I run as slow as Christmas, she encouraged me the whole way and was just generally wonderful and proud of me.

I finished the 5K distance in a new record personal best time. Not a particularly impressive time, but the fastest I'd ever run 3.1 miles, and we didn't come in completely last!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A walk around the world

Today, I took a walk around the world. Whew, am I tired! Of course I didn't literally walk around the world...that would take way longer than a day, and would result in something far more overwhelming than just maybe total exhaustion, serious debt. Possibly moderate insanity.

Anyway, today I walked around EPCOT, "visiting" and learning about several nations of the world. I love Disney World and have often wondered what it would be like to come here alone. The answer: wonderful. It's probably not for everyone, but I sometimes enjoy doing things by myself. Solitude in the midst of a crowd is an interesting place to be.

I think that's one of the reasons I like running (although that's typically total solitude, not solitude int he midst of a crowd). It's good alone time.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

One of those days

Today was another one of those days that I spent in the car. And I do mean ALL day in the car. I drove to Florida. Yep, that'll take all day when you live in North Carolina. More later...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I'm frustrated by the fact that I seem to have hit a weight loss plateau. (And no, it's not just related to the lack of exercise for the last few days; I have been at close to the same weight for about 2 weeks now). I know with my mind that part of the reason is that I'm building muscle, which weighs more than fat, and I'm okay with that, because it also burns more calories than fat! But it's still frustrating to feel like you're doing the right things and not seeing results as quickly as before. Ah, all things in life, this too shall pass.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I know that gardening burns some calories, and it certainly works my upper body muscles. But I wish it could really be counted as exercise, because for the last couple of days that activity has eaten my exercise time! Now that all 106 aster plants (yes, you read that right - we planted over 100 asters they had better grow, dangit!) are in the ground, I'm hoping to get back to running!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Full weekend

I did so much this weekend, I feel like it was three days long. But it wasn't, which means I packed a bit too much into each day. Which explains why I'm tired. Which is NOT a good excuse for the fact that I didn't exercise at all today.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Going the distance

Today I ran my new route for the second time. It's 3.1 miles long, which is a 5K. I still find it somewhat hard to believe that I can run 5K, since I started out struggling to run for more than 30 seconds!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Beach turbo

Turbo kick class tonight was on the beach. On the one hand, I loved it because the view was of course beautiful and the weather was very cooperative (it was warm but not hot, and the constant light breeze kept me from sweating profusely which was a bonus!) On the other hand (well, actually the other LEG), I am here to tell you that doing Turbo Kick on the beach will work out calf muscles intensely. That's a good thing in general, but I suspect those muscles will be tight and achy tomorrow!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mapping and measuring

I spent about half an hour the other night driving around to measure the length of potential new routes. I needed to create a route which was 3.1 miles long. I did that, and was a bit overwhelmed by how long it seemed. But then today I ran the whole thing! It was nice to not run in circles around the same block a couple of times (that's what I had been doing as I extended the length of my route by a bit each week), and also not to run by my house multiple times, but rather to just end up there when I'm done.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


When I ran with Tyler, he gave me a few tips on running form, one of which was a bit unexpected. He said to not swing my arms. No, I wasn't swinging them wildly, but just moving them back and forth - pumping them, essentially - the way many people do while running. Tyler's point was that, when running any distance, you need to conserve energy as much as possible, and using some to swing your arms is essentially wasting it. I'm working on not swinging my arms, but it's harder than you might think to be conscious about not doing something that you do without conscious thought. I have found that it does help when I remember to not swing them, though, so that keeps me focused. Well, relatively focused. I do catch myself swinging several times during a run, and have to remind myself to stop again.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not as flat as it looks...

Ocracoke is a sandbar, and therefore it is pretty darn flat. But I (along with my calf muscles) am here to tell you that it's not completely flat. I run a handful of hills intentionally, by going into the Oyster Creek area, over all three bridges, and back out again for six hills in total. But then, for the rest of my route, I'm on roads that I bet seem basically flat to most people who drive, bike and even walk on them. And they are mostly flat, but not completely. There's a gradual rise to some of them, which I actually find more difficult in terms of the effect on my muscles than the obvious hills, mostly because it goes on for a longer distance.

Monday, April 25, 2011

No bread?

I went with a couple of friends to the Back Porch restaurant for dinner tonight. We had met to stick labels and stamps on over 260 invitations to a bridal shower, so by the time we finished that, we arrived at Back Porch somewhat late (about 25 minutes before closing time). We therefore decided to eat at the bar. Our friend Cheri was tending bar that night, and took really great care of us. My favorite part was when she asked "Do you want me to bring a basket of bread?" and went on to say "I know Jamie is preparing to wear a wedding dress, and I see Kati running by my house all the time, so that's why I thought maybe you would rather not have the bread." This is one of the things I love about living in a small town - people know what is going on with each other, and often choose to use that knowledge in a way that is supportive. Thanks, Cheri!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


...are apparently too long. At least the ones on my shoes are. For the first several months of the year, when the weather was cold, I was running in pants. Now that things have warmed up and I'm running in shorts, the plastic tips of my shoelaces have been hitting my ankles. It doesn't hurt, but is annoying! So I've started tucking the ends of my shoelaces under the part of the laces which is flat against the shoe (the criss cross section), which helps. I continue to be surprised by the odd little things that I discover while running.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


No, my goal is not to run the Boston Marathon. I have a friend from high school who just ran it, though. On his 39th birthday. And set a new personal record. All of which I thought was really awesome.

Anyway, my friend stayed in a hotel in Boston from where he could see the finish line. Since he is a long distance athlete, and an Iron Man, he was back in his hotel room before all the runners finished, so he was able to watch some of them complete the race. He commented on Facebook that he saw people finish at around 6 hours. I did the math and figured out that running a marathon in 6 hours comes out to a 13 - 14 minute per mile pace, a fact I found quite encouraging. There are people who run as slowly as I do who run marathons!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The case for lunch

I unintentionally skipped lunch today. This is pretty unlike me, as I'm typically good about eating regularly, before I feel overwhelmingly hungry. Today, though, I had a late breakfast. We went to Pony Island Restaurant and had breakfast with the Easter Bunny. And so did pretty much everyone else with small children on the island, residents and visitors alike. There was therefore quite a wait to get seated at a table, and we ended up eating at about 10:45 AM. It felt more like brunch. (Pony potatoes made it worth the wait, though. Plus Connor loved seeing the Easter Bunny. So it was all good.)

Anyway, as a result of the late breakfast, I never felt particularly hungry, so I didn't eat an actual lunch. (I did have a very small snack in the afternoon.)

I shouldn't say I never felt particularly hungry, because - of course - I eventually did. About 15 minutes into Turbo Kick, I suddenly realized I was very hungry. So hungry that I was having trouble concentrating and getting through the routine.

So, lesson learned and note to self: do not skip lunch. Nutrition is needed for your body to have fuel to burn during exercise. (Duh! Yes, I certainly knew this with my head before; but having really experienced it today, now I absolutely get it...and hopefully won't forget it!)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Slightly longer

I'm extending the length of my runs just a smidgen each week. This week, I'm running 2.75 miles. (Today was my second time running that distance.)

Yes, for those of you keeping track: that's a whopping 1/4 of a mile more than last week! I'm okay with slow but steady progress - it's generally, in my experience, the kind that sticks and has long term effects.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Full day

I had an insane day today, full of meetings and appointments, and I didn't manage to work in time to exercise. This fact ticks me off. That fact (that I'm ticked off) cracks me up, because it's pretty different from the person I used to be. So I'm not going to stay ticked off for long, just going to make sure I exercise tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Upper body work

I didn't get any traditional exercise today, but I spent an hour working in my garden. And by working, I mean "weeding the heck out of it". After I finished...well, actually, it's still not let me rephrase that. After I decided to stop for the day, I realized that I had gotten some decent upper body stretching/toning exercise. I also realized that weeds (specifically pennywort) are prolific and relentless. And that gardening is somewhat like exercise, in that it's one of those things in life that you have to work on every day if you want good results. I'm hoping for good results this year, both in my garden and in my body.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Just keep running

The other day, as I was running and thinking thoughts along the lines of "I'm not sure I can finish this", when suddenly, out of the blue, I thought of Dori. Not my friend Dori from high school; Dori the fish from Finding Nemo. She was singing to me, albeit a slightly different lyric than her usual. "Just keep running. Just keep running." Silly, I know...but hey, it helped!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Running with company

Today, I ran with my sister and her boyfriend Tyler. Well, my sister actually biked while Tyler and I ran, because she hadn't packed running shoes for her visit here. Anyway, it was interesting running with other people, since running is usually such a solitary thing (or at least it has been, so far, for me). I was a bit self conscious, because I run so dang slowly, but Tyler was very encouraging and gave me several tips on running form and how to deal with side and leg cramps. Thanks Tyler!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Morning run

I had a full day planned today (we threw Connor's third birthday party this afternoon), so I ran this morning fairly soon after I got up for the day. A part of me enjoyed running in the morning, and I definitely loved the fact that it was done and I could go on with the rest of my day knowing I had already exercised. But my energy is definitely lower in the morning, so my running pace wasn't great. (Not that my speed is terrific to begin with anyway!) Guess I'll stick with afternoon workouts.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I love when people come to visit me. I really do. The primary reason is because I'm a people person, and I enjoy the company of others. I also like showing Ocracoke to people, both those who are discovering it for the first time, and those who have been coming for years (in many ways, those people are more fun, as it's I like the challenge of finding something new or as yet unknown (to them anyway) to show them). The final benefit of having visitors is that it forces me to clean my house!

I have three guests arriving today. So I spent much of last night tidying, vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning bathrooms. I know that doesn't burn as many calories as Turbo Kick or a good run, but hey, I'll take calorie burn wherever I find it!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Run past home?

I was describing my running route to my friend Amy today, and when I mentioned that I run past my house she said that she couldn't do that when she was running, as she would be tempted to stop and just go home! I probably would be, too, except I don't run past the house until well into the route (just before hitting the 2 mile mark), so I'm pretty motivated to keep going at that point, plus I'm "settled in" (breathing calmed down, feeling like I can actually finish and not die, etc.) If I ran past the house early in my run, I might stop and lie down in my hammock instead. Good thing it's past the 2 mile mark when I run past my friend Lyn's hammock!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I enjoy seeing all the signs of spring as I run. Since I follow the same route, I get to see the little changes as things start blooming. There's one house in particular which has a wonderful garden. Makes me want to hire them to fix mine!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cooped up

I spent the day cooped up in my car again today, as I had to report for jury duty in Swan Quarter another day. This morning, however, the mainland ferry did not run to Swan Quarter, so I had to drive around to get there, only to be dismissed less than an hour later, at which time I started the drive back around to go home again. I did get some exercise in when I got home, mostly because I wanted to move my body since it had been so still all day!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I love longer days

It's a good thing there are more hours of daylight these days, since that meant I was still able to go for a run after getting home from spending most of the day in the car today. I had to report for jury duty in Swan Quarter, which meant riding the early morning ferry to the mainland. I was dismissed by shortly before noon (although I do have to call in after 5:30 today to find out whether I must report again tomorrow for consideration for the next case). Anyway, the early dismissal enabled me to drive around and get back home while there was still some daylight left in which to take a run. It was a good thing, too, because I had some delicious french fries for lunch!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hot turbo

The school is putting on a play in the Community Center, and they have it decorated with their set and props. The school gym is fully under construction and no longer available for use at all. So we've been doing Turbo Kick at the Fire House (upstairs) recently, for lack of a better place. With the recent sunny days, it has been really HOT in that room. Add to that a bunch of sweating exercising women, and it starts to feel like a sauna! At the end of our workout today, one of the ladies said "I think my eyeballs are sweating"! I guess the good thing is that we're definitely burning a few extra calories and sweating out a bunch of impurities.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Huff and puff

I discovered recently that really focusing on my breathing helps me to get through a run. And by "really focusing", I mean "forcefully blowing out breaths before taking the next one". I probably look pretty crazy, huffing and puffing along the street, and I hope no one who sees me will worry that I'm overexerting myself. (I also tend to get really red when I exercise, so with my luck someone will call the EMTs if they happen to look out a window and see me huffing and puffing, red faced, as I go by!)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Running in the middle of the road

If you live here on the island, and you ever see me running down the middle of the road, it's not because I've lost my mind or become a tourist. It's because I've discovered that our darn streets slope off pretty noticeably on each side, to facilitate water runoff. Unfortunately, that slope also facilitates pain in my calf muscles, which is alleviated when I run on a flatter surface. Like the dead center of the road. Luckily, I run on relatively quiet roads, so it works out okay for me. And of course, yes, I do move to the side when I see or hear a car coming!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Zumba from before it was called that

I did a workout today with a DVD created and distributed by Prevention magazine. I'm not sure what year the DVD came out, but I think it was a while ago (I got it at a yard sale). Anyway, the concept of the workout is "dance yourself thin". It was a good, relatively low intensity (excellent for fat burning) workout. It reminded me of the Zumba class I took while at Massanutten on vacation, and I realized that essentially that's what it was: Zumba from before someone came up with (and began marketing) that name.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Single tasking

I bet you've heard of (and practiced) multi-tasking. (If not, do you live under a rock? Even I multitask, and I live on an island!) I'm multitasking right now while writing this blog.

Anyway, I realized recently that this is one of the reasons I enjoy running. It's single tasking. When I'm running, I'm just running. I suppose I could think about all sorts of other things while running, but I really don't find myself doing that. I pretty much think about running - how I'm feeling, my pacing, my breathing, etc. I do sometimes think about the scenery I am running past, usually in terms of appreciating it. But then I go right back to thinking about running. There's something quite relaxing and mind-clearing about single tasking. Yes, I know it's funny to say that I find running relaxing. But in a sense, I do.

I ran 2.3 miles today. I've lost 15 pounds and am about 17% of the way to my goal.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No fun?

A friend of mine told me recently that a friend of hers had said to her that, because she is choosing to eat more healthfully, she is "no fun". It really bothered me. I don't mean I thought "well, that's rude" or "how annoying". I mean, it pissed me off. Yep, that's right. I was downright angry that someone had made that comment to her.

So here's the thing. Every person needs to make his or her own choices. If one chooses to eat healthfully, that has absolutely no bearing on whether he or she is fun. People who choose to eat differently than that person have no right to claim that their way is "more fun" and that therefore the person trying to eat healthfully is not fun. If it's more fun for them to eat however they want to eat, then they should do so, regardless of how other people choose to eat. If choosing to eat less-than-healthfully (large portions, dessert, whatever...) while the people in your company are not doing the same thing makes you feel guilty, then that's your issue and you need to get over it. It's not okay for you to try to transfer your guilt to the other person by telling him/her that they are "no fun".

I have experienced this myself many times, and before I had the level of self-worth that I do now, I let other peoples' opinions affect my motivation, and as a result I stayed heavy and unhealthy for much longer than I should have. No, I'm not blaming those people. Only I make the choices about what I put in my body and whether I exercise. Nobody held me down and forced me to eat anything, or tied me up and prevented me from working out. But the influence of friends and family is a powerful, complex thing. So if you have a friend or family member who is working to change his or her life or meet a goal (whatever that goal doesn't have to be health/fitness related), use your influence to encourage and support them...not to make them wonder whether they are "fun". Whatever the heck that even means.

Okay, end rant. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011


Today was a beautiful, sunny day. I like beautiful, sunny days generally, but I learned that they definitely create a different experience when running outside than I have had to this point since I started running during the winter. Specifically, I got really hot and sweaty. Ugh. (Yes, of course, I always get somewhat hot and quite sweaty when running, but on cooler days it hasn't been quite as bad.) I have to hope I will either a) be fully used to getting really hot and sweaty or b) get a treadmill so I can exercise in the comfort of my air conditioned home by the time summer arrives! Just kidding...I know getting hot and sweaty most likely won't kill me, if I stay hydrated like I should.

The other thing I discovered was that I will need to remember to apply sunscreen before running now that the weather is turning sunnier. And yes, I know that UV rays are still present even on overcast winter days, but they are not as intense. Combine that with the fact that my workouts are longer than they used to be, and my UV exposure is much greater now than it has been. So...sunscreen it is.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Finger exercise

Today I spent hours doing my taxes, and got no exercise as a result. Well, I suppose I exercised my fingers on the keyboard! (No, I don't really think that counts...)

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today, it started raining while I was running. I decided to just keep running. I was determined to finish my two miles! It worked out okay (I was lucky), because it only rained lightly and briefly, and then stopped. Which was a relief. I'm not sure how long I would have stayed persistent if it really started pouring!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Well I'm still slow, but at least I'm consistent! I ran two miles again today and it took me the same length of time as it did the last time. Not a short length of time, but at least the same length of time.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


When I first start running (after about 5 minutes of fast walking to warm up), it takes a while for my breathing to get regulated, so I'm a bit huffy and puffy. I wonder if I'm red in the face as well. I usually get red when I exercise, even if I'm not overdoing it, and have told people who exercise with me (class instructors, etc.) not to worry about it. Since I run outside, I hope that the random people who see me on my route don't think I'm about to keel over! Eventually my breathing does calm down and I settle in for the rest of my run, but I suspect I stay red most of the distance anyway.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Body memory

Today I decided to do an indoor workout. I looked through my collection of workout videos, which turned out to be two (I swear I used to have some more...must've sold or lost them along the way). Anyway, I did Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies". And before you even consider making fun of me for that, give it up. I've long believed that if more people applied as much energy, enthusiasm and encouragement to the problems of life as he has applied to helping people be healthier, the world would be an entirely different place. Besides, his videos actually have fat people in them, which is way more motivating than trying to exercise along with people whom you will never look anything like. (And, in case you've never seen a Richard Simmons video, at the end of the workout, each person is celebrated for a brief moment by dancing for a few seconds as everyone else claps, and his/her name and weight loss to date is displayed on the screen. And for the people who haven't lost any weight yet, the screen says "just starting" and everyone claps even louder.) Okay, so enough of the "why I like Richard Simmons" rant. On to my original point.

I had not done this particular workout in years. I mean, probably something more than 6 years. But I remembered nearly every move of every routine. It was a little odd. I know about the concept of "body memory", but this was the strongest example I had personally experienced.

The workout itself wasn't particularly intense, though. I remembered it being a harder workout. Hopefully that means I'm fitter now than I was then!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The 20 minute wall

I went for another run today, and committed to myself when I started that I would run two miles. I managed to do so, but it was a struggle (although primarily a mental challenge). I've discovered that if I can just keep going for 20 minutes, I get settled in at that point and can keep going some more. I think of it as "the wall" - a mental block of sorts. If I can get past that wall, I do pretty well.

I'm still not speedy, by any means - I ran my two miles in 28 minutes today - but I'm getting gradually better, so I'll keep sticking with it and talking myself through the first 20 minutes!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I went back to Turbo Kick today for the first time since my surgery. It didn't go well. You wouldn't think that an aerobic exercise routine would be bouncier than running, but it was. Ouch. Add to that the fact that it's not a solitary activity and you have the embarrasment factor as well. So it was quite discouraging, and at one point I was literally on the verge of tears, thinking things to myself like "what makes you think you can do this?" and "you will never be as fit as Sara" (who was leading part of the class), "she has been exercising her whole life and you just started, so it's impossible for you to get even close to where she is".

And then I remembered a quote I have posted on my desk:

"The past is a history lesson, not a road map." My present and my future do not have to be defined by my past! So what if Sara has been exercising her whole life and I haven't? I'll focus on exercising now and not worry about what I did or didn't do previously.

So I kept going, and didn't cry. I still looked and felt pretty pathetic, but I finished!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Slow...but back in training!

I went for a run today, but it was just barely a run. I only went slightly over a mile, and my pace was not impressive. But I'm back in training and pleased about that! I'm hoping it won't take me long to get back up to speed, and start covering slightly more distance again. I'll keep you posted...

Saturday, March 26, 2011


For your information: zip lining will work muscles you didn't know you hadn't worked recently (and maybe some you didn't even know you had!)

Yes, I went zip lining yesterday. And yes, I am feeling the ache in many (most?) of my upper body muscles. But it was fun and I would do it again!

Friday, March 25, 2011


The exercise I got today was climbing - up to the zip lining platforms and up the stairs to the indoor waterpark slides. Well, it was better than nothing! Tomorrow will be an all day in the car day, heading back home, so exercise is not going to happen then. Will have to get back on track on Monday! At least it will be easier to run again once I get back to sea level.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I went to the gym today to run on a treadmill. Now, you have to understand that at the resort where we are, the gym is not in the same building as where we are staying. We are in a condo building, and there are two buildings which include workout facilities and indoor pools. The closest one to the building is over a mile away.

I was going to a class in Digital Photography before the gym, so I packed a bag with my workout clothes and shoes, plus a bathing suit so I could take a dip in the pool (or a soak in the hot tub) after running.

After photography class, I headed over to the gym, only to discover that I had failed to bring socks! I briefly considered running barefoot, but rejected that idea out of concern that other people in the gym would find it unsanitary (which is pretty illogical, actually, because truth be told the bottom of my feet is most likely cleaner than the bottom of my shoes, but whatever...) I then thought about running in my shoes without socks, but decided that was a terrible idea and would most likely lead to pain. So I didn't run at all. Dangit! I have got to get back on track soon!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As I've mentioned, I'm on vacation. I'm choosing to not let that be an excuse, though. So I'm still eating smaller portions, not having dessert, etc. Well, at least not at every meal! I did eat dessert today...bananas foster is hard to resist, so I decided to make that my splurge for the week. I'm also working to keep exercise in my day as well, although I missed that today. (Not such a good day today - dessert and no exercise! Whoops. Oh well...back at it tomorrow!)

It's easy to find excuses to not do the things that keep us healthy. "I'm tired." "It's raining." "I'm on vacation." "I don't have the right clothes/shoes/whatever." (I know, I've used them all.) There comes a point, though, where you realize that excuses are simply that - excuses. I am in control of my choices. I can choose to make excuses or I can choose to take care of myself. It's not about making a single choice, either. I mean, it's not that one day you say "from now on, I choose to...(fill in blank here)". (Well, it may be that way about some things, but not about exercise and healthy eating.) Instead, it's a choice which needs to be made every day. Every meal. Every time an opportunity to make an excuse rears its ugly head.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The resort where I am staying offers several exercise classes throughout the week. Today, my sister and I went to the Zumba class. I had heard about Zumba but never tried it, and didn't know too much about it other than that it was dance based. It was quite fun, and a good workout to boot. I liked that it was not extremely high intensity aerobic exercise, but still got me sweating. That level of exercise - obviously working out but not out of breath - is really great for fat burning. And I have plenty of fat to burn, so bring on the Zumba!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Better, but still slow

I tried to run this morning and was basically, but not completely, successful. The place where we are staying had a 5K run, which I joined. I thought that it would be a marked path and everyone could go at his or her own pace (I didn't care that I wouldn't "win"). It turned out, though, that it was a "stay together as a group" kind of thing, and I just couldn't keep up, so I went back after a while rather than continue to hold the group back.

I felt a lot better in terms of pain, though, so I counted that as a victory. I could basically run without the area from my surgery hurting, which was great. Also, after I gave up on finishing the run (which was outdoors, at approximately 2000 feet, with several uphill wonder I was having trouble!), I went to the recreation center for the resort and walked and ran on a treadmill instead. So I still got plenty of exercise!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I'm on vacation in the mountains. I went for a run today and noticed that it was a bit more difficult than usual. Part of that is that I haven't been running daily recently as I heal from my surgical procedure. But I think part of it is also the altitude. Not that I'm mile high (we didn't go to Colorado), but when you usually run at sea level, it doesn't take much of a change to feel the difference. It's okay, though...I'll keep running. Just maybe slower.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I mentioned that I went for a post-surgery check up the other day and got the "all clear" to begin running again (well, to start with a combination of running and walking and work my way back up to running). What I didn't mention was how cool the conversation with my Dr's PA actually was. It went like this.

Me: Oh, one more question.
PA: Yes?
Me: Is it okay for me to run again?
PA: You should run as is comfortable. How far were you running?
Me: Only 2 miles. I just started running this year and had worked up to 2 miles.
PA: Good for you! I started running a while ago and recently ran my first marathon.
Me: Cool!
PA: Do you have a goal?
Me: Yes. (At this point, I told him the goal...but as per usual I'm still not going to share specifically what it is here. We talked for a few minutes about my goal and similar events.)
PA: Anyway, you should try to do 2 miles again, but combine walking and running. Then work up from there as you are comfortable.
Me: Sounds good. I have an interim goal I'll be doing in May with my sister.
PA: That shouldn't be any problem.
Me: Great. I'm not sure I'll ever work up to running a marathon.
PA: Oh, you will.

It was just great to not only get the answer to my question, but also to talk running for a few minutes from someone with a similar experience (recently took up running, liked it, kept going), and to get some encouragement. Good stuff for a checkup visit!

Friday, March 18, 2011


I wrote recently about being intentional. Well, something I really need to be intentional about is ensuring I drink enough water (and other liquids). I always drink plenty of water after a workout, but during the rest of the day, I just don't think about it or remember to keep a bottle of water at hand. I really want to drink more liquids (without calories!), for multiple reasons: it's just generally good for my health, plus it helps with weight loss by keeping things "flushed out" and flowing, and by curbing snacking when I'm not really hungry. But it's just something I've always had a challenge doing. Any ideas?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2 miles

Today I did 2 34 minutes. Ordinarily, that would not be impressive at all. But it was a combination of running and walking, as was recommmended when I went for my follow up check after my surgery. So given the fact that it was nearly half walking, I didn't think it was too terrible. Certainly not going to win me any races, but decent. I was mostly just pleased to do 2 miles again!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I think I've blogged before about being intentional about exercise: ensuring I make time for it, keep track of it, and do it with good form so as not to hurt myself. There's also another thing I've realized recently about being intentional. When I intentionally and specifically focus on HOW I'm exercising, it makes a difference.

Specifically, recently, since all I can do is walk, rather than running, I have been very focused on using my muscles as much as possible while walking. So I don't just stroll along thoughtlessly. I've been walking for just under 38 years, so of course I can do it in a way that is completely brainless. Or, I can choose to really think about how my feet hit the ground, pushing off with my calves, activating my thigh muscles, squeezing my glutes, etc. as I walk. Even though I haven't been exercising nearly as much (in terms of calorie burn and workout length) for the last few days, I am continuing to lose weight (don't worry, not major amounts...still at a healthy pace). The fact that I'm still eating wisely (smaller portions is a major factor) also helps, of course. But I think I might be gaining or at least staying static in my weight if I weren't making an effort to ensure the muscle I've built this year stays with me during this time that I must walk instead of running.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I went to the Health Center this morning to have blood drawn as part of my annual checkup (cholesterol screening, etc.) I was still not driving (they said to not drive for at least a week after the surgery last week), so I went with my husband John as he also needed to have blood drawn. It turned out he needed to stay longer, though, so I said I would just walk home. John said I could take the car and he would walk, but I said "no, I need to walk".

Then I said, "actually I need to run". And then it hit me. I really am looking forward to running again.

So then I said, "Amazing what I've become. I'm proud of what I've become, but at the same time it's funny."

John said, "It is funny."

Of course, that made perfect sense to us, in that I was expressing that I'm happy about becoming a person who wants to exercise (specifically, to run) every day...but that it's a bit surprising and new. The poor guy in the waiting room, however, looked a bit confused by the shorthand conversation.

Anyway, I am enjoying this becoming. I think one should never stop becoming...whatever it is one wants to become next.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I managed to take a walk today! An actual walk, at an exercise pace (low impact exercise, but exercise nonetheless). I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon on Wednesday and I'm hoping to be able to start running again soon after that! In addition, the Thursday Turbo Kick session will be a St. Patty's (wear green) theme, and I would love to be able to join that! We shall see...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I was able to walk today without feeling sick or exhausted. Still not walking what anyone would call rapidly, but it's an improvement and I'll take it!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


That's not a very high number. But it is a pretty exciting one, because it's the number of inches I have lost from my waistline!

I took a walk today, and was very pleased to get back outside and in motion. I was disappointed, however, that it wasn't much of a workout. I had hoped to walk at an exercise pace, but it simply wasn't possible. I'm still tired, and the motion of walking created a bit of pain, so I had to walk very slowly. It was a beautiful day, so I enjoyed the sunshine and the views of the water even though I was frustrated at not being able to burn more calories. This healing is definitely a slower process than I had anticipated (apparently, I am much older than I was the last time I had any kind of surgery...and that was oral surgery (wisdom teeth), which is really an entirely different thing). At this point, I'm hoping to be back to normal by the time we go on vacation next Saturday.

Friday, March 11, 2011

5 days without exercise...

...makes one weak. I am now officially frustrated and disgusted by the fact that I haven't walked in a week. Thank goodness tomorrow is Saturday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so I can get out there!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dreary day

It has been raining on and off all day today, so I have now gone four days without exercise. I am getting frustrated by this pattern, but there's no controlling the weather, and I still don't have a treadmill, so it is what it is. I'm hoping for a sunny day tomorrow so I can get in a walk!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Rest is good. Especially after a surgical procedure. But exercise is good too. In general, balance is good - get rest, exercise and healthy food every day. I've gotten plenty of rest recently, but no exercise and plenty of unhealthy food. Ack. I'm looking forward to getting back in training (low impact, walking training though it may be) as soon as I feel better!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walking week

I had a surgical breast biopsy this morning. When I asked my Doctor when I could run again, he said "gravity is not your friend". Then he said to stick to walking for at least a week before starting to run again. Guess I can handle that. I won't be doing any walking or running today, though, since mostly what I'm doing is napping and trying to get over the weird dizzy feeling from the anesthesia. Tomorrow will be spent returning home, so it will be Thursday at the earliest before I get any exercise. Bummer! (Not that I would change anything, of course...I do need to know the results of the test, obviously.)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Intermediate goals

When you have a really long range goal, like mine is, it's definitely good to have intermediate goals, both to measure your progress and to provide motivation (and reasons for celebration) as you move toward your ultimate goal. (Yikes...I used the word goal three times in that single sentence. Ah, well.)

Anyway, to that end, I'm planning an intermediate goal activity which will take place exactly 2 months from today. Like the big goal, I'm keeping it secret (at least on the blog) for now. There are two people who know about it, one of whom is hopefully going to do the activity with me, and the other is going to take care of Connor while we do.

Yes, I will, as with the big goal, eventually let blog readers know what it is. (Or maybe what it was...I may not post about it until I can post that I did it!)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting there...

I am about 15% of the way to my goal! Cool, huh?

Speaking of getting there, I will be going to the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area tomorrow and will stay there with a friend for at least one night, possibly two. (I'm having a medical procedure on Tuesday morning and not sure yet whether I'll be up for coming home later in the day on Tuesday or will stay another night and come home Wednesday. Don't worry, someone else will be doing the driving!) Anyway, I've been thinking about the fact that this most likely means that I will miss my running workout for the next few days, and it's really bugging me. I'm planning to pack running clothes and shoes, just in case I can get in a run tomorrow. Hope I can!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slightly faster

My speed is going up ever so slightly each time I run (although it's still not particularly impressive and does not qualify to be called "fast"). Yesterday, I ran 1.7 miles in 27 minutes. Today, I ran further (1.8 miles) in less time (slightly over 26 minutes). Told you it wasn't particularly impressive, but at least it's improving!

Friday, March 4, 2011


I had a Dr. appointment today (annual checkup, I'm not sick), and I learned several things.

My weight is down (this I already knew of course, as did you, faithful blog readers).

My resting heart rate is down (to 62).

My blood pressure is down (to 121/78). This one was especially exciting, as my Dr. had been concerned that my BP had been high for some time, and was recommending medication. I asked for some time to bring it down by changing eating and activity habits, and promised I would go on the meds if that didn't work. So I'm really glad it seems to be working!

I ran in silence again today, since I run faster that way. I did have my iPhone with me (I use it to time myself), so I listened to music during my warmup and cool down walking periods, and while I stretched. The first song that came on when I turned the music back on for the cool down walk was one of my favorites ("Defying Gravity"), and the first two lines were completely appropriate based on the good report about my health measurements:

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same

I had to laugh! And then I enjoyed the rest of the song.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Self care

It almost goes without saying, but it's important to do other self care things (in addition to exercise). To that end, today I had dentist and opthalmologist appointments. Unfortunately, when you live on an island which has neither a dentist nor an opthalmologist on it, you have to go to the next island up (for the dentist), and the next one after that (for the opthalmologist). And while you're on these larger islands, you of course also need to do some shopping. This process takes all day.

So I didn't get any exercise today...and I'm actually a bit disappointed in that fact. But I shall be sure and get some tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I learned two things while running today, both of which are counter-intuitive.

1. Running without music causes me to run faster. I think this is probably because of my history of being in marching band in High School - when there's music playing, I feel like my feet must hit the ground in time with the beat. So unless I play music with a fast tempo, which apparently I don't, listening to music actually slows me down a bit. (Discovered this because my iPhone battery was dead when it was time to leave for my run today.) I also learned that there's something nice about running in silence (not that running to music isn't great, too...but there was just something rhythmic and lovely about the only sounds (in addition to birds, wind, other outdoor sounds) being the slapping of my feet on pavement.

2. Running faster is actually slightly easier than running slower. (Although I have to admit that it's entirely possible that the reason it felt that way has more to do with my body getting used to - and better at - running in general than it has to do with my running speed. Besides, I also have to admit that I'm still not running what most people would consider fast!)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random observations while running

1. Running to Gaffer's and back, while interesting just because it's different, isn't as picturesque as running to Oyster Creek or Jackson Dunes and back. (Or nearly as lovely as running on the beach, of course. Although running this particular route may result in other rewards (more on that in a moment).

2. The first day after running on the beach is not when you feel the muscles that were affected. The first day you RUN again is when you feel it.

3. There are undoubtedly very few other things that can make me feel as loved as running by the daycare, having Connor notice me go by and yell "Hi Aunt Kati", followed by "look, it's Aunt Kati!", and then run alongside me (on the other side of the fence, inside the playground, of course) as long as possible. And then blow kisses, too!

4. This running is much more of a mind game than I previously realized. Today, I talked myself out of running the full time because I was feeling (and not in a good way) calf muscles I swear I hadn't previously been aware were there (as a result of the beach run). So I switched to walking when I was only about halfway through the workout for today on my training plan. The stupid thing is that, right before I stopped running and started walking, I had actually just begun feeling better. But because I'd already decided I was only going to do half the workout, that's all I did. I'm okay with the "mind game" element of running, though...I just need to choose to set my mind on finishing rather than on not finishing.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I've had a lot on my mind for the last couple of days. Today, I discovered that, while running is completely compatible with thinking about all sorts of things at the same time, Turbo Kick is not! I kept getting lost in the routine because I couldn't stop thinking and focus on what I was supposed to be doing! Whoops. I got through it, though, and still managed to get a good workout, so that's the most important thing. Hopefully I'll be able to quiet my mind and sleep tonight...might have some interesting dreams.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sandy shoes

I did my run today on the beach, which was wonderful in many ways. It was a beautiful day, and I thoroughly enjoyed the gorgeous view of the ocean and dunes. I was nearly alone on the beach, and the simple peace and quietness of that was lovely. Also, the sound of the ocean providing a backdrop to the music from my iPhone added a calming element.

Running on the beach was also different in some ways. The headwind certainly made the actual running (at least the first half!) harder than usual. But the biggest difference was, of course, running on sand. I think I will probably not fully understand that difference until tomorrow morning, when I discover that different muscles than usual are achy. Guess we'll see.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


No, I didn't run for eight minutes again today. (I ran for 25 minutes today.) I went to a party tonight in a clingy purple dress. I have worn it before, but it has been quite a while since the last time, and I have never previously looked as good in it as I did tonight, a fact about which I feel pretty fabulous. When I got home tonight and took it off, I looked at the label to check on how to launder it (hand wash ... ugh), and saw that it is a size eight! It has been a long time since I felt great about the way I look in clothing that is size eight. Yay.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Changing size

Tonight, as I was bent over to comb through my hair (I have pretty long hair), I noticed my thighs. Normally, I don't like to notice my thighs. I much prefer to ignore them. But tonight, it was a good thing. They are smaller than they used to be!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Different route

I ran a different route today than I have been doing for the last few days. (Yes, for those of you keeping track, I no longer run just on the quiet back street. I've gotten used to and comfortable with the idea of possibly being seen while running.) Anyway, I have, as I mentioned previously, been running into the Oyster Creek area of the village, where I can see lovely views of the Sound. Today, I turned the opposite way when I reached the end of Sunset/Firehouse/Ammunition Dump Rd (what you call it seems to depend on how long you've lived here), and headed toward Jackson Dunes. I enjoyed the view there, too, of the salt marsh and tall sea oats. I also saw several feral cats who live in that area. I adore cats, so I enjoyed seeing them even though they merely watched me impassively as I went by.

I am blessed to get to live (and run) in such a beautiful place, but I think that if you look for it, you can find beauty wherever you are. Especially if you take a different route than usual. Sometimes getting out of the ruts we fall into can open our eyes to see things in new ways.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Side effects

It seems like so many things in life have side effects - other consequences which are additional or unexpected. My running outside is a good example. I assumed that it would have the consequences/results of making me fitter and possibly inducing weight loss, and it has done (and is doing) both. I didn't expect the other results of feeling better (emotionally and mentally, not just physically), but I'll take them!

After my run today, I am experiencing another unexpected side effect, one I would prefer not to have: the sniffles. The pollen count in my area has suddenly gone up (I assume as a result of the recent warm weather, but I don't know for sure that's the reason). Spending time outdoors, therefore, has resulted in a mild allergic reaction. Not that I'm going to let that stop me from doing it again tomorrow. Having a sniffle isn't an excuse, just a blog topic.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I went for a run today, after having not run for the last couple of days. (I didn't skip exercise entirely the last couple of days - I just didn't run.) Anyway, I discovered something odd (for me, at least). I had actually missed running. I mean, not just missed in the sense of "didn't do it", but missed it in the sense of "wish you were here" missing. Am I making sense?

At least part of the reason I enjoy running is that I live in an amazingly beautiful place. Recently, I've been running into an area of the village where I can see the Pamlico Sound, and if there's any single thing I need to do every day to keep my spirits up (other than get outside) it's see salt water. (Good thing I live on an island, huh?)

Anyway, this is definitely odd for me. Exercise is not something I ever expected to miss.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Exercise epiphany

We've just started a new round at Turbo Kick class, and it is a tough one. It's very aerobic and that fact, combined with the fact that it's so warm in the gym, led to a rather sweaty workout. We had both gym doors open, but that didn't help much. During a short break between songs, I stepped outside and asked God if He wouldn't mind sending a breeze through the doorway every now and then. Then I headed back in to sweat some more.

So what happened with the breeze? Well, occasionally, it came through the door, but to truly be cooled by it, I had to walk over to the doorway and stand in the opening, which I did several times. One of those times, I had a minor epiphany: God will answer our prayers, but sometimes we need to move toward Him in order to receive those answers.

It still amazes me how many areas of my life (mental, emotional, spiritual) have been changed (for the better) by my choice to take better care of my physical body. The only response I can think of to this truth is the same one I offered up each time the lovely breeze cooled my sweaty self: "Thank You, Lord".

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Attitude improvement

Life is hard. It has been especially hard for me recently. I spent much of the last few years fluctuating between actively suicidal, hopelessly despairing, and merely depressed. On my worst days, I thought about killing myself. On my better days, I thought I wouldn't kill myself, but it would be okay if I died of something else.

Then, I realized that I wanted to live to dance with Connor at his wedding. It was a start, but a part of me realized that it was dangerous to put all my "yes, I want to stay on the planet" eggs in a human basket. What if Connor never gets married? What if - heaven forbid - something happens to him?

Then, one November Sunday morning, I sat weeping in church because it was All Saint's Day, when we remember and light candles for all those in our community who have died over the last year. I was thinking of a specific person and grieving her loss. I was remembering one of the things that was said at her funeral service, which was "be better because you knew her". I was remembering how deeply that statement had affected me, and wondering how I could be better. Then, Pastor Laura said, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." (That's Hebrews 12: 1- 2, by the way.)

And suddenly it hit me: the way to "be better", to honor my friend who had died, was to LIVE. With her as one of the witnesses who surrounds me, I will run the race God has marked out for me, allowing Him and only Him to decide when the race is finished. When life is hard, I will fix my eyes on Him.

So what the heck does this have to do with the topic of this Princess blog? Well, I've found that having a mental realization that I want to live was only the first part of what I needed. Having a real, tangible goal to work toward was the next part. An awesome side effect of my particular goal is that I've discovered that daily exercise improves my mental outlook and attitude. And I love the fact that working toward my goal literally involves running with perseverance.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I did it, I did it, I did it!

If you live here, and you see me outside grinning from ear to ear, or perhaps even jumping up and down for a few seconds, or pumping a fist in the air, you can reasonably assume that I've just completed the next level of my training plan. Today, it was my friend Phyllis who saw me, smiling hugely and saying "I did it, I did it, I did it!" to no one other than myself, as she drove by me. I had just finished running non stop for 20 minutes. Woo hoo!

Friday, February 18, 2011


I used to be one of those people who thought that running or biking in skin tight shorts was ... well, I don't know. Strange. Awkward looking. Surely uncomfortable. I thought spending high amounts on specific "running" clothes was ridiculous. Not any more.

I've learned that loose clothes that are not specifically made for exercise have seams in them. Seams you would never notice while just wearing said clothes. But go run for a while and you'll discover just exactly where those seams are, after they rub against the same spots on your body repeatedly for the entire time. I'm not yet running for long periods of time and I noticed the other day that the seam in my shirt had created an irritated spot. So now I get it. I understand the reason for tighter fitting running clothes, or loose ones without seams. I may now need to go buy some!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Calf muscles

I've discovered that different calf muscles are used for running than for walking. I learned this yesterday, when I switched from running (after completing my first 8 minutes) back to walking and it was a whole different kind of feeling (read: pain in different places).

Not that it's major pain or anything (don't want you to worry that I'm hurting myself). It's just that I'm working muscles which haven't been worked this much in years, and they are not always thrilled about said work. They are, however, feeling (and looking!) much better than when I started doing the training plan. Yay, progress!

Speaking of progress, I haven't done a numbers update in a while, so...
I've lost around 10 pounds and am about 4% of the way to my goal.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


No, that's not how old I was 30 years ago. Well, yes, it is, but that's not why it's the title of this post. That's how long I ran today. No, not miles. Minutes. Keep in mind that I was pretty much a couch potato at the beginning of the year, so running for 8 minutes at a stretch is an accomplishment for me. But I did it. Twice, actually!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I think one of the reasons I continue to enjoy and be motivated to do my workouts is because it ensures I get outside for a stretch of time every day during which I am not running errands and therefore only outside for short periods. The weather has been really great recently - sunny with clear skies. I love looking up at the sky when I'm outside, both during the day and at night. The last couple of days, the moon has been clearly visible even during the day, which I always like. It's good to get outside and enjoy God's creation every day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Be your own Valentine

A friend of mine recently posted a photograph on Facebook of the inside of the wrapper from the Dove chocolate she had just eaten. If you haven't had one of those and you don't know, they have sweet sayings on the inside. The one she posted said "Be your own Valentine!" I loved it.

I made sure to do my workout today (number 1 of week 5!) because it's a way of loving and taking care of myself. I also was blessed by the fact that it was an absolutely beautiful day, which reminded me that I am deeply loved by the Creator of the universe, too.

I did go out to dinner with my Valentines (John and Connor), and have my splurge meal of the week, including dessert. Treating yourself to yummy, fattening food (now and then, not every day!) is a great way of being your own Valentine, too. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So I know how important it is to stretch, and I do so...except when I stop and talk to a friend at the end of my workout, and then forget to stretch when I get home. Ooops. My muscles are tight in the mornings for a few seconds after I get out of bed anyway, because I'm finding muscles that I had forgotten I had! But the morning after forgetting to stretch was a bit worse! Whoops. Hopefully I won't do that again!

I completed week four of the training program, and am on to week five next week. I just looked at week five and discovered that it starts out not too much different than what I've been doing, but then ramps up pretty quickly to running for a 20 minute stretch. Hmmm. I hereby choose to trust the program, and believe that I can do it!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


So...something I hadn't thought of when deciding to exercise daily (or close to it) was that doing so would generate a decent amount of laundry. I'm a lazy bum when it comes to household chores like laundry, and I have lots of clothes, so I probably don't do laundry as often as most people. Well, I should say "didn't" do laundry as often as most people. I guess I do now...because when you only have about a week's worth (6 or so) of exercise clothing, and you wear (and get sweaty in) one almost every day, you have to do laundry once a week (at least).

I also had to buy new items of clothing - more sports bras (I previously had none), more socks (I only had 3 pairs...I don't usually wear sneakers so I didn't need socks very often) and good shoes.

I am enjoying becoming a different person than I have previously been. Well, maybe except for the part where the laundry has to be done more often!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Shower at night

In a nod to doing what works for me, rather than following conventional wisdom, I have recently found myself taking showers at night, sometimes even right before bed. (Usually, this is because I've exercised in the early evening but then got pulled into dinner, Connor's bedtime, etc. before I could squeeze in a few minutes for a shower.) Anyway, I've found that showering late doesn't leave me wide awake and unable to relax. Quite the opposite - I feel all warm and snuggly, and am quite ready to snooze for the evening! I also think I sleep better as a result of getting exercise on most days. (Not that I slept poorly before - I've always slept well enough, it's just even better now.) It reminds me to keep things in balance - to make sure I get not only enough activity every day, but also enough rest!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


That's how old I am. (At least until my birthday this year!) It's also the number of crunches I've decided to do every day. Yes, I'll increase it to 39 on my birthday. Of course, at some point, as I get older, I suppose I might not be able to continue the annual increases. My theory is that at that point, I'll start decreasing by one for every year...cut myself some slack, since I'll be OLD. But I figure it will be a while (at least 10 - 15 years) before I have to worry about that.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I wish there was a way to add sound to a blog post, so you could read that as "gooooooooooal"! (You know, the way they say it during soccer games.) Anyway, no, I have not met my ultimate goal. That's still a long way away, but I'm making daily progress and am happy about that. But I have met an initial goal, and that was exciting.

Although weight loss is not the actual/final goal, it is happening and I expect will continue to happen as I train for the goal and become fitter in general. (And yes, I'm also eating less and healthier as well, which of course helps too.) Anyway, I set an initial weight loss goal with a target timeframe of the end of February for meeting it. I entered the goal into my Wii Fit Plus tracking, and this morning it told me that I'd reached it. Woo hoo!

So what did I do to celebrate? Promptly set a new goal, ate healthy all day, and did workout two of week four. Oh, don't worry...I know how to really celebrate, and I'm definitely planning to give myself little rewards along the way to the ultimate goal...and a big ol' celebration when I reach it!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Training program

I haven't mentioned the training program I'm following specifically recently, so here's a quick update. I just started week four (did workout one today). I ended up doing both weeks one and three twice. Remember I mentioned being nervous about week three since the length of time spent running doubled, but then I made it through and felt good about it? Same thing today with week four - only the length didn't double (increased by 66% or so instead). Again, I was nervous. Again, I pressed on and finished. Again, I felt good about it.

I also had to laugh at myself. When will I learn to trust that the people who develop these training programs know what they are talking about and most likely won't ramp them up too quickly (or more quickly than the average, basically healthy person can handle)? When will I learn, just in general, to trust more and worry less?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Routine...and update

I realized a couple of minutes ago that I didn't really have anything new to say about exercising today. But that's a good thing, because it means that it is becoming a routine (i.e. normal) part of my day. Yay!

Latest update: I've lost 6.9 pounds so far. Another yay!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I had planned to do a workout today after putting Connor down for a nap, but while reading him a book before his nap I discovered that I needed a nap of my own! So I went and took one. It was lovely. I adore Sunday afternoon naps. I told myself that I would exercise after my nap.

Well, you know how naps go. They are so relaxing. Especially when it's winter and chilly outside, it's wonderful to snuggle down under the covers and just stay there. I didn't, though. I managed to drag myself out of the warm fuzziness. I also, however, talked myself out of exercising. I thought it was cold, I have a bit of a sore throat, etc, etc. (You probably know how that making excuses routine goes.)

I was sitting in the living room when I saw a friend and her fiance walk by. They weren't walking for exercise, they were walking her dog. But seeing them motivated me to get up and get out there. (It was probably because I saw that they weren't bundled up in coats, so I had to admit that it wasn't cold outside after all.) So I went, and I was glad I did. It was a bit of an odd source of motivation, I'll admit...but I'll take it no matter where it comes from!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I may need...

...a treadmill, if it doesn't stop raining! I certainly can (and have) done my workouts outside in the rain, but definitely didn't want to today since I have a cold already. Plus, because it has been raining almost non stop for two days, there are large puddles I would have to avoid. I did a bunch of training with my wii fit this morning, though, so I did get some exercise. And I'm just kidding on the treadmill. I really prefer to exercise outside - it lifts my spirits to get out for a while, even if the weather is not perfect.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sick and tired

No, I'm not "sick and tired" of exercise (or of anything that I can think of offhand). I'm sick (got a head cold) and tired (it was a long week). So today was my day off from my exercise routine. Hopefully I'll get a good night's rest. I'll be back at it tomorrow!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Now I can

Today, during Turbo Kick, I bent over and touched the floor. My palms were flat on the floor. This was a very exciting surprise for me, because it wasn't that long ago that I wasn't flexible enough to reach the floor when bending over! (Well, on a good day I could just barely brush it with my fingertips.)

I am enjoying how things are connected in terms of fitness. Multiple things seem to be improving in concert with one another. I am stronger, lighter, and more flexible than I was at the beginning of the year! I am also happier, which is a nice side benefit.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I was running yesterday when a friend drove by. I waved, and then she rolled her window down and called out to me: "Go girl!" I really appreciated the encouragement!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Multiple choice

I "check in" on my Wii every day. (Side note: yes, I know the conventional wisdom says not to weigh every day. I have found that it works for me, and it actually doesn't bother me all that much that there are little fluctuations, as long as the general trend is downward. The Wii does a good job of showing the general trend on a nice little graph. Since my actual goal isn't weight loss, I'm not obsessive about the number anyway. Plus, I have recently come to a place where I respect and honor myself enough to do things the way I've discovered they work for me, regardless of what conventional wisdom says. Okay, end (rather lengthy) side note.)

So sometimes my weight will be a bit higher on a given day than it was on the previous day. Some of the times (but not every time) that this happens, the Wii fit "trainer" will ask me to consider the possible cause of the gain. It gives me a multiple choice list.

My problem is that the three choices I have legitimately thought were the reason aren't on the list of options:
- I'm gaining muscle mass
- I'm weighing in at a different time of day (rare, because most days I weigh around the same time - first thing in the morning)
- I'm a girl and it's that time of the month!

Someone really should update that list.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Improving and pacing

Today, I did workout one of week three of the training plan. I was apprehensive about it because it called for stretches of running TWICE as long as anything I'd done so far. I was also in a seriously bad mood, after having a rough Monday at work - I had 6 conference calls, with only half hour breaks between them during which to try to actually get something accomplished. Then there was an issue at the end of the day and I was watching the light fade thinking "I have got to get away from this desk and outside for some exercise!"

Finally, I told the person with the issue that I had an appointment and I would have to get back to him tomorrow. I did have an appointment. With myself. To exercise. And I was running out of daylight, plus it was now starting to rain!

So I started out feeling apprehensive and annoyed. Heck, I'll admit it: I was downright angry. During the warmup, I thought "maybe I should repeat week 2, or perhaps I won't actually do the double length run yet, I'll just increase the length a bit but not double it". But then an amazing thing happened. Halfway through the first run, I realized I wasn't going to drop from exhaustion and just kept going. When I finished that first section (double the length I've been doing), I was thrilled! So I did it again. Four more times. By the end of my workout, I wasn't angry at all any longer. Instead, I felt awesome about my accomplishment. I'm certainly not anywhere reaching a "runner's high", but I have definitely become a believer in the ability of exercise to improve mood!

I experimented a bit with my form and posture, as well as with my speed, and discovered that little changes made big differences in terms of how it felt. Pacing was definitely the key - I didn't over push myself, but instead just kept going at a reasonable pace, and I'm convinced that's the reason I was able to do the whole workout. Hmmm. There's probably a lesson in there for me to apply to work (and life), too.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


This morning, there was a fundraiser for the daycare on the island. A pancake breakfast fundraiser. I decided to go for it and just enjoy the splurge. I got sausage and pancakes, which I turned into chocolate pancakes by adding Hershey's syrup and chocolate chips. It was a delicious breakfast! I didn't eat it all, though, which was partially out of choice and partially because it was quite filling. I notice I feel full sooner than I did previously. Not sure why, but I'm not looking that particular gift horse in the mouth!

After church, there was a roast beef dinner. That was a bit of a splurge with the mashed potatoes and gravy, but again I didn't eat it all.

Then tonight, I hosted ladies movie night. We had decided to watch the movie Chocolat, so the snacks for the evening were chocolate, of course. I had several tastes, but then cut myself off...enough splurging for one day!

It's a good thing there was a session of Turbo Kick this afternoon for me to burn off those splurging calories!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

You are what you ...

...think. You thought I was going to say "eat" didn't you? Nope. (At least not in this post...maybe I'll blog some other day about eating. Today it's about attitude.)

I have been intentionally working on my "self talk" recently. Specifically, I've been thinking "I am smart. I am strong. I make healthy choices." I have been surprised at how powerful this actually is - especially while walking around the grocery store. It's a bit easier to not pick up the and put it in my cart when I'm thinking "I make healthy choices". I am motivated to honor what I'm telling myself by ensuring I keep it true. I think the present tense is what really creates that effect. If I thought something like "I'm learning to..." or "I'm getting better at..." or "I will try to...", my guess is it wouldn't be as effective.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Turbo Kick was in the gym tonight, and it was insanely hot in there. The thermostat is locked behind a cage cover, with a sign under it that says "Do NOT touch this thermostat. That means YOU!", so changing it wasn't an option. I really wanted to write my own little note on the bottom of the sign: "Well, if you wouldn't leave it set at 76 degrees, maybe people wouldn't want to touch it!" I refrained. (Partially because I didn't have a pen!)

Anyway, I guess all I can do is hope that all that extra sweating I did tonight translates into more calories burned!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Just a quick post with an update on progress so far. I've lost 6.2 pounds since I started training, and I'm going to say I'm 2% of the way. (It's hard to measure scientifically/mathematically, so that's a guess.)

Interestingly, the weight loss is not my goal. My goal is to be able to do a very specific thing. Training to do that thing is resulting in weight loss. Which I'll take, don't misunderstand me, but my focus in terms of why I'm doing this is on the end goal. Focusing on the goal has been good for the little fluctuations on my weight (a couple of days it has been slightly up rather than down), and ought to keep me going when I inevitably hit a weight loss plateau.

Besides, the goal is something I'm really excited about doing. Sometimes, in the middle of a workout, I start thinking about the goal, imagining what it will be like and how fun it will be, and suddenly I realize I've completed the workout for that day! So it keeps me motivated, and keeps my mind off the tough moments. It's definitely good to have a goal.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As I've previously mentioned, I work as a Project Manager. This means that January, which is a quiet month for most everyone else around here where I live, is INSANE for me, with all the new projects starting up for the year. I am buried in work at the moment, and haven't been this far behind in ages.

So what did I do today? I stopped, left my desk for an hour and went to exercise. I could really have used that time to get caught up on all my email. But I decided that exercising is more important.

Then tonight I went to a workshop that continued my thinking along this line. The leader helped participants identify their core values and then asked us to consider whether our schedule reflected those values.

My day used to be driven/controlled by work and I would claim that work prevented me from doing...well, many things. You pick it, I probably used work as an excuse not to do it. Now I'm choosing to control my day, and if that means stopping work for an hour to exercise because ultimately taking care of my body is more important than work (in terms of my core values), then so be it. The work will all still be there (along with some additional) tomorrow anyway!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Decision time

At the beginning of each work day, I take a look at my schedule to see where I have a gap into which I can fit some exercise. Then, I block that time on my work calendar so no one will plan a meeting during my gap. (My meeting schedule varies daily, so I don't have the luxury of always using a traditional middle-of-the-day lunch time.)

Today, the gap I had available was from 2 to 3 PM. At 1:30, it started raining. So I had a decision to make. I could stay home and keep working (I am so far behind right now it would be easy to fill the time). Or I could go out in the rain. I went. I've decided on a nearly-no-excuses policy.

It was chilly and raining the whole time I was out there (about 35 minutes). But I was grinning from ear to ear when I was done! And then I took a nice hot shower.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Was that...?

This morning I took a short drive to the beach, to see the snow on the dunes. On my way back, I saw my friend (the really fit one who encouraged me last week) running on the walking/biking path next to the highway. I realized that it was clear of snow and was therefore probably the best place to go if I was going to get any exercise today. (My usual side street location is still pretty icy.) That, of course, meant that I would have to get over my "I don't necessarily want anyone to see me doing this, because I'm not sure if I look crazy or just plain terrible at it" feeling. I decided to get over it.

So I went and did workout two of week two on the trail. There wasn't too much traffic that passed by, so I figured with any luck no one I know actually saw me. (What was I thinking? I live in a really small town - the odds of that are extremely slim.) Anyway, later in the day I mentioned to my husband that I had gone out to the trail, and he said "I know. I saw Sundae in the Post Office and she said 'was that Kati I saw out jogging?' " Sundae is one of my very best friends. So much for no one I know seeing me!

Later this afternoon, I found out that there would be an evening session of Turbo Kick. (Previously, the plan was only for a morning session (which I couldn't attend) today, but several people - me included - convinced Angie to do another one.) So I went to that, too! I would expect to feel tired after exercising twice in one day. But actually, I feel terrific!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Something, anything!

I took a 30 minute walk today, because I was frustrated by the fact that I hadn't gotten much exercise in the last couple of days. I wanted to do something, anything, just to burn a few calories and get out of the house! It was also nice to walk around the village and see the snowy scenes everywhere. I am really ready to get back to some more strenuous exercise, but there was no chance of that today with the roads the mix of icy slush that they were (as it was, I took my walk in rubber boots). It was a really sunny day so there was a good bit of melting...I'm hoping that by tomorrow afternoon the roads will be much clearer so I can go do workout two of week two.

This is new for me, to actually WANT to exercise and miss it when I don't. Even though it caused frustration the last couple of days, I still like this new aspect of my attitude. I think I'll keep it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The best time to exercise

I had a conversation recently with someone about the best time of day to exercise. There is, of course, not a single answer to this question - it varies by individual. Anyway, I said that I previously liked to exercise first thing in the morning, because that way it's done for the day. But the current structure of my life makes that difficult, as my mornings are full of taking care of a 2 year old.

Today, my plan was to exercise this afternoon - sometime between 2 ish and 4 ish. I had to be at the Thrift Store (where I volunteer) from 10 - 12, after which I was planning to meet a group of ladies for lunch to celebrate the birthday of one of them (who is turning 95!) So I thought that after lunch I would get in workout 2 of week 2.

The weather, unfortunately, had other plans. It started snowing shortly before I left for the Thrift Store, and continued for over 8 hours. By 2 PM, it was quite deep and still coming down. So it definitely wasn't a good day for an outdoor workout! And I suppose, in hindsight, the best time to exercise today was this morning, before the snow started!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I took today off from exercise, because I had to drive to Norfolk and back (when you live on Ocracoke, that takes all day). So instead of an update, here's a story of a recent happy realization. A few days ago, I was sitting at my desk, working. I had eaten a good breakfast that morning (light and healthy, but filling enough). And I'd had a decent lunch about an hour before this moment. So I was surprised to find myself suddenly hungry. I had the following inner dialogue:

Me: "Hmm...why am I hungry."

Me: "Because you're starting to build muscle and raise your metabolism, so your body burns more calories just sitting still than it used to."

Me: "WOOO HOOO!!!!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week two

I finally started week two of the training plan today. Yeah, finally made it to week two on Thursday of week three! Anyway, I did workout one of week two. It was a bit harder (which I expected), but I hung in there with it and got it done...and I was smiling when I finished.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So, the thing about exercising outside is that you run the risk of other people seeing you. As I previously mentioned, I try to minimize that as much as possible by doing my workout on a quiet back street (and the fact that I live in a very small town also helps).

Today, however, was the one day a month when the vet comes to the island. The vet sets up in Trish's house. Trish's house is on my (formerly) quiet back street! So today as I was huffing and puffing along, I definitely saw more people than usual. At first, I thought "oh no...this is embarrassing", because I'm still pretty sure my form is not great and therefore I don't look marvelous while exercising.

Then, though, something good happened. As I went by a friend of mine, she said Hi to me. Now this friend is in REALLY good shape. She goes to Turbo Kick and I aspire to be as fit as she is. So I said "I'm not as good at this as you are, but I'm trying!" which she replied "No - look at you! You're doing great!"

Now I know part of this was just her being nice...because I'm still pretty sure I don't look "great" during my workout. But most of it was her being genuinely encouraging. It was as if she were saying "So what if you're not that great at it yet? Good for you for just getting out here and doing it!"

Anyway, I really appreciated the encouragement. And I smiled through the rest of my workout. Which made it seem to go by faster. Which was really good!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Toward the end of Turbo Kick today, I discovered I can now touch the floor when I bend over! (Yes, I just publicly admitted that I was previously - quite recently - so out of shape and un-flexible that I couldn't do that.) Anyway, it was exciting for me!

I like the fact that my general health and well being are being affected positively by the exercise I'm choosing to do - not just my weight, but my flexibility, my heart health, and even my attitude! I'll say more on the attitude thing in a later blog...

Monday, January 17, 2011

If my Wii could form an opinion... would think I was crazy. I forgot to post my exercise from Saturday and Sunday, and I can't figure out how to post activity on a day other than the current day. So I posted Saturday's walk, Sunday's Turbo Kick and PiYo, and today's exercise (workout three of week one) all on today. It looks like I exercised for nearly 2 hours today!

I actually didn't get to quite complete workout three because it started raining. At first, I just kept going, because it wasn't raining particularly hard. But it kept raining (it's STILL raining now, 10 hours later!), plus it was quite cold, so I decided a shortened workout was better than taking the risk of getting sick. (And yes, I know, viruses - not cold weather - cause colds. But I also know that prolonged exposure to cold (especially damp cold) affects the body's ability to fight off viruses. Anyway.)

So my plan is to repeat workout three and then go on to the week two workouts. I swear, I'll get to week two eventually!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Today, Angie did a session of Turbo Kick followed by some time doing Pi-Yo. I had never heard of Pi-Yo before and was curious to try it. It's a combination of Pilates and Yoga and was quite different. Turbo Kick is very much a cardio workout, even though it also provides some good muscle toning because of all the kicking and boxing. Pi-Yo is focused entirely on toning and flexibility. It would be relaxing, I think, if I were better at it! As it was, it was pretty difficult. I definitely could be significantly more flexible. (Hmm...I think this applies to more than just my physical body.)

I have lost 5.1 pounds so far, a fact which makes me happy. I also notice new muscle tone (just a bit, but it's starting) in my legs. I still didn't manage to do workout three of week one in the last week, so I'm planning to do it tomorrow. Then I'll start week two and plan to finish it by next Sunday.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Boxing...and better

Today, I tried Wii boxing. I was absolutely terrible at it for the first round, because I spent most of that time trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to be doing. I did decently in the second round, since I knew what to do by that point. It was actually pretty fun, and a good way to work out any daily frustrations.

I also did workout 2 of week 1 of the training program. I noticed it was a bit (just a little bit, but enough to be noticeable) easier today, which was quite encouraging. It was a beautiful day outside today, sunny and clear. At 53 degrees, it seemed practically balmy compared to the recent weather. That may have had some impact on the workout seeming a bit easier, but I'm hopeful that the primary reason was that I'm getting fitter...slowly but surely.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I went to Turbo Kick tonight, and it was packed! When I arrived at the Community Center and saw the number of cars there, my initial thought was that Turbo Kick had been relocated or cancelled and there was a meeting of some sort happening there instead. But no, the room was full of exercising ladies. (I got there a bit late, so they were already doing the warmup routine when I walked in to join them.)

I wonder if all of these women will stick with us for the long haul, or if some of them are here to lose the "holiday weight" and will then stop joining. I hope that everyone keeps coming, because it's just more fun to have all that energy in the room! But my cynical side thinks that this effect is probably seen in gyms and exercise classes everywhere: in January, the new years resolutions are in full effect. (Yes, mine included.) Guess we'll see.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I work as a project manager, and often January is a really busy month since that's the time when all the clients suddenly decide they need to do a bunch of work. I was recently assigned four new projects to manage, in addition to my existing workload of several others which I already had. So work has been really busy. There are currently over 50 emails in my inbox, and I've had multiple conference calls every day (today I had five).

I was, however, absolutely determined to get some exercise today. So I stopped for an hour in the middle of the day and did day 1 of week 1 of the training plan. (I'm repeating week 1.) I was really glad I did, as (counter-intuitively), it gave me more energy to get through the rest of the day and I was quite productive after my workout!

I was also determined to go to Turbo Kick tonight. (I don't often do two workouts in one just worked out that way this time and it was probably good since I hadn't done much the last couple of days.) So I stopped work at 5:50, changed clothes and was heading out the door at 5:55...when I discovered that Connor had eaten somewhere between a third and half of a bottle of vitamins! (Kid vitamins, but still not something which needs to be overconsumed like that.) So I had to call the doctor, who advised calling the poison control center just to be absolutely sure. Poison control asked me several questions, most importantly whether the vitamins contained iron (they didn't), said that Connor might have an upset stomach and that he shouldn't have any vitamins for a few days but other than that he should be fine. Crisis averted. It was now 6:10 and I was late for Turbo Kick. I went anyway. I was determined to go!

Not long ago, I would have taken the excuse to not go and just stayed home being lazy instead. I have always believed that daily exercise, like any other discipline, is a choice, and that setting ones mind to do it is a key component of making sure it gets done. I am definitely finding that to be true. Once I make a determination to get some workout time in (no matter where I have to squeeze it in!), and make doing so non-negotiable in my mind, I will make sure it happens. I was going to say "I hope my determination lasts", but instead I'll say "I'm determined to stay determined". Determination is a powerful, motivating thing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Okay, so I've definitely discovered that busy-ness is going to create a challenge for me in terms of finding the time to stick to my plans and exercise every day. (I did do some Wii fit this morning, so I didn't completely skip the day, but I didn't have time to do much). I had to hurry to get Connor to daycare so I could leave at 8:30 to catch the 9 AM ferry, after which I spent most of the day off the island. I came home on the 5 PM ferry, ate a quick dinner and then went to a meeting at 7 PM. Now I've got just a few minutes to blog before having to go to bed!

Today was an unusual day in that I wasn't here for most of it, but general, daily life busy-ness is going to attempt to rear its ugly head and pull me off track, too, I'm sure. I'm brainstorming strategies to address this challenge and open to any ideas.

One solution which appeals to me in theory is getting up early (I actually LOVE the idea of getting my exercise done first thing, plus I always like the quiet in the early morning when the busy-ness and business of the day has not yet started). That one is hard to implement, though...especially in these cold winter months when climbing out of a warm cozy bed is just not an exciting proposition. So I'm going to need to think on this one for a while...I'm hoping a creative solution will come to me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Does working count?

It's quite difficult (aka impossible) to fit in a workout when you spend half the day working at your job. And I'm not kidding when I say half the day. I'm not making excuses...that was just my reality today. But it's not midnight yet, so I think I'll at least to do some stretching and/or virtual bike riding on the Wii. I should sleep well after that!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Early exercise

I got up at 5:40 this morning so I could go to Turbo Kick at 6 AM. I think of myself as a morning person (more than I'd like to admit, really) in that once I'm up, I'm pretty wide awake and can talk up a storm and get things done. I'm also a bit of a night owl in that I like to stay up late sometimes, mostly because I really enjoy the quiet after everyone else is asleep. I have a mid afternoon slump during which I need either a caffeinated beverage or a nap! Unfortunately, since I work full time and I don't live in a country which takes siestas, I usually end up with the beverage (diet Dr. Pepper is my current choice).

So anyway, being basically a morning person, I thought early Turbo Kick would be fine. And it was, essentially, fine. But I definitely discovered that I am NOT nearly as coordinated or energetic for exercise at 6 AM as I am at 6 PM. I may be able to talk, pack lunch, start work, etc. shortly after waking up, but aerobic kick boxing is another story! I still got a terrific workout, so it was all good. I also discovered one fantastic thing about working out first thing in the morning: it felt GREAT to have my exercise for the day DONE by 7 AM.

Oh, and quick update. I've actually lost 2.7 pounds! I wasn't looking all the way back to my first weigh in when I said 1.5 the other day. Woo hoo!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back at it!

Today I did workout two of week one, even though it was freakishly cold outside. Today's encouragement from God (via worship music on the iPhone) was from the Mark Schultz song "He will carry me":

You’re strong
I’m weary
I’m holdin’ on
But I feel like givin’ in
But still You’re with me

I've lost 1.5 pounds so far. Yay!

Since I only managed to do two of the week one workouts (there are three per week on the plan), and since I am pretty out of shape (and therefore should work into this slowly), I am planning to repeat week one next week, this time doing all three workouts, and then move on to week two the week after that. Hope it's a good week!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today, I didn't exercise at all. I meant to, but I had a meeting in the morning, a memorial service in the afternoon for a friend who passed away a few days ago, a bunch of cleaning up of my house to do in between the two, and then guests arrived this I just didn't manage to fit in a workout. (Although I think cleaning my house should count!) I'm planning to take a walk tomorrow (instead of taking a day off) to make up for it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

More Turbo

I went back to Turbo Kick again tonight. It's a tough workout, but it's still a lot of fun and I definitely enjoy the camaraderie of the group. Tonight there was a lot of laughter as we tried to figure out the lyrics of one of the songs. Several people had funny ideas of what the words were. Another song (later in the set) has a line about wanting a margarita, and we always laugh at that one because by that point in the routine most of us would love a drink! (And I always think it would be fairly guilt free, since I would have burned off the calories in advance.) There's a point in another song where the move we are all doing just looks downright goofy, and that's usually good for a giggle or two as well. I'm all for anything that makes exercise more enjoyable!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Workout one

Today, I did workout one of week one of the 9 week training plan I'm going to follow, which will get me slightly over a third of the way toward meeting my ultimate goal. (Don't worry, I have plenty of time to get to the final plan is to be there by early 2012.)

I'll be honest about it: a few minutes into the workout (after the initial warmup period), I was thinking things like "I do NOT like this" and "exercise is terrible". I also probably looked ridiculous as I'm sure my form is awful. Luckily, I live in a small town and I was engaging in this exercise activity on a quiet side street, so I'm hopeful that very few people saw me. (And any who did are my neighbors and would most likely be supportive rather than judgemental if they saw me, anyway. I'm lucky to have wonderful neighbors.)

Anyway, just as I was feeling uncoordinated and hopelessly out of shape, and starting to think maybe I should just give up on this goal, my iPhone changed what it was playing, and I heard the first line of a song which spoke right to me: "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord." So I changed my focus to worshipping instead of whining, and it made all the difference. It was still hard on my body, but switching to more positive thinking got me through it.

I really got into it, even lifting my arms in praise (while continuing the workout) and singing along to the chorus.

You are the Everlasting God
The Everlasting God
You do not faint, You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

I was so excited and proud of myself when I finished the workout that I was grinning like a crazy person! I'm definitely planning to bring the worship music along for my workouts from now on, too.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Virtual bike ride

Tonight, I went back to Turbo Kick again, even though my obliques and leg muscles were achy after Monday night's session. I know if I keep going, it will get easier. And even though it's challenging, it's still fun!

When I got home, I wanted to log my Turbo Kick time on the Wii, so I fired it up to do that. Then I started exploring some of the other activity options and ended up doing a virtual bike ride. It was pretty hilarious, as I do not yet have a good feel for managing the controller on that particular game, so I made some wild turns, fell down a hill, and ran into several buildings and one person. Good thing it's all virtual! Of course, I can ride an actual bike much better than that, thank goodness.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today, my lower back is killing me (no, I don't think I hurt's a symptom of something else and happens to me on a recurring basis ever since I was involved in a car accident several years ago). Anyway, I thought I should take it easy today but didn't want to skip exercise entirely, so I did some yoga stretches, all of which helped my back feel better too. It was good to be reminded of the importance of flexibility - both physically, and in terms of life, too. Sometimes things come up that prevent you from doing the exact tasks you had planned for that day, and you just need to be flexible with yourself and your routine. Then get back at it tomorrow!

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today, I went back to Turbo Kick. I hadn't been in a while and had forgotten how much fun it is! I did an hour workout and feel great. (We'll see how my legs feel tomorrow...) Turbo Kick is not exactly, directly related to what I'm training for, but anything that increases my general fitness level helps. Anyway, I know I'll sleep well tonight.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day of rest?

I decided to give myself Sundays off, since everyone needs a day of rest. Today was not particularly restful, as I spent a good bit of it in the car. But there you have it. Life will do what life will do. Back at it tomorrow!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting out

So I've decided to train for something. Later, I'll say what. For now, I'm keeping it as a cherished goal, held close to my heart. I'm keeping this blog as a journal of getting there.

Today, as cliched as this is (especially on New Year's Day for goodness sake!) I reflected on the fact that today truly is the first day of the rest of my life. What do I want my life to look like? Making those goals a reality is up to me. I can make excuses or I can make changes. I'm choosing changes.

So, to start. I took a long (although not particularly fast or strenuous, as I wasn't alone) walk. Then I set up the Wii fit and tried several of the exercises. I weigh 40 pounds more than my goal weight (50 more than my stretch goal), and I'm 1% of the way to being ready for the something (I gave myself 1% because I'm committed to work toward it).

But those numbers are just numbers and they are merely my starting point. I plan to improve them. Here I go!